Journal Articles
- Jinuan Lin, Chu Ma, “Blind-label subwavelength ultrasound imaging.” Science Advances 11, eado2826(2025). DOI:10.1126/sciadv.ado2826
- Yulu Mao, Fan Fei, Dajun Zhang, Haolin You, Haotian Jiang, Carter Fox, Yangchen He, Daniel Rhodes, Chu Ma, Jun Xiao, Ying Wang, “Revealing stacking order transition via nanomechanical resonator.” npj 2D Materials and Applications 8, no. 1 (2024): 75.
- Carissa J. Roper, Susan C. Hagness, Chu Ma, “TEM Cell With a High-Transparency Aperture for Homogeneous Microwave Absorption and Real-Time Viewing of Thermoelastic Expansion of Tissue”, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology (2024). doi: 10.1109/JERM.2024.3493623
- Chenkai Liu*, Chu Ma*, Yun Lai, and Nicholas X. Fang. “Ultra-broadband illusion acoustics for space and time camouflages.” Nature Communications 15, no. 1 (2024): 8046.
- Dajun Zhang, Akhil Polamarasetty, Muhammad Osama Shahid, Bhuvana Krishnaswamy, Chu Ma, “Passive Mechanical Vibration Processor for Wireless Vibration Sensing.” Communications Engineering 3, no. 1 (2024): 44.
- Grace H. Yang, Jinuan Lin, Henry Cheung, Guanchun Rui, Yongyi Zhao, Latika Balachander, Taigyu Joo, Hyunhee Lee, Zachary P. Smith, Lei Zhu, Chu Ma, Yoel Fink, “Single Layer Silk and Cotton Woven Fabrics for Acoustic Emission and Active Sound Suppression.” Advanced Materials (2024): 2313328.
- Audrey L. Evans, Chu Ma, and Susan C. Hagness, “Accurate prediction of measured microwave-induced thermoacoustic signals via multiphysics simulations augmented with an acoustic detection system transfer function”, IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques (2023).
- Audrey L. Evans, Ruixi L Liu, Chu Ma, and Susan C. Hagness, “The Evolution of Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Signals Generated During Pulsed Microwave Ablation in Bovine Liver.” IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology (2023).
- Jinuan Lin, Chu Ma. “Far-field acoustic subwavelength imaging with blind structured illumination and joint-sparsity reconstruction.” Physical Review Applied 17, no. 5 (2022): 054030.
- Michael Y. Wang, Mythili Thevamaran, Michael Sabatini Mattei, Brandon G. Hacha, Gerardo Andres Mazzei Capote, Zongfu Yu, Tim Osswald, Randall H. Goldsmith, Dan J. Thoma, and Chu Ma. “Underwater ultrasonic topological waveguides by metal additive manufacturing.” Applied Physics Letters 120, no. 14 (2022): 141702.
- Wei Yan, Grace Noel, Gabriel Loke, Elizabeth Meiklejohn, Tural Khudiyev, Juliette Marion, Guanchun Rui, Jinuan Lin, Juliana Cherston, Atharva Sahasrabudhe, Joao Wilbert, Irmandy Wicaksono, Reed W. Hoyt, Anais Missakian, Lei Zhu, Chu Ma, John Joannopoulos, Yoel Fink, “Single fibre enables acoustic fabrics via nanometre-scale vibrations.” Nature (2022) 603, 616–623
- Audrey L. Evans, Chu Ma, and Susan C. Hagness. “Microwave-induced thermoacoustic signal characteristics in a dynamic temperature environment.” Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express (2022).
- Qin, Zifu, Xiaohan Liu, and Chu Ma. “Acoustic Wave Reflection Control Based on Broadband Differential Phase Shifters.” Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering: (2021) 83
- Liu, Chenkai, Jinjie Shi, Wei Zhao, Xiaoxi Zhou, Chu Ma, Ruwen Peng, Mu Wang et al. “Three-Dimensional Soundproof Acoustic Metacage.” Physical Review Letters 127, no. 8 (2021): 084301.
- Colby W. Cushing, Preston S. Wilson, Michael R. Haberman, Chen Shen, Junfei Li, Steven A. Cummer, Zheng Jie Tan, Chu Ma, Huifeng Du, and Nicholas X. Fang. “Characterization of an underwater metamaterial made of aluminum honeycomb panels at low frequencies.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149, no. 3 (2021): 1829-1837.
- Evans, Audrey L., Chu Ma, and Susan C. Hagness. “Multi-physics modeling of thermoacoustic pulse generation and propagation during pulsed microwave ablation of tissue.” In 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 5267-5271. IEEE, 2020.
- Chu Ma, Xinhao Li, and Nicholas X. Fang. “Acoustic Angle-Selective Transmission Based on Binary Phase Gratings.” Physical Review Applied 14, no. 6 (2020): 064058.
- Chenkai Liu*, Chu Ma* (equal contribution), Xinhao Li, Jie Luo, Nicholas X. Fang, and Yun Lai. “Wide-angle broadband nonreflecting acoustic metamaterial fence.” Physical Review Applied 13, no. 5 (2020): 054012.
Before 2020
- Huifeng Du, Chu Ma, Nicholas X Fang, Echoes of fluid spin, National Science Review, (2019) Volume 7, Issue 1
- Kai Zhang*, Chu Ma*, Qi He* (equal contribution), Shaoting Lin, Yi Chen, Yu Zhang, Nicholas X. Fang, and Xuanhe Zhao. “Metagel with Broadband Tunable Acoustic Properties Over Air–Water–Solid Ranges.” Advanced Functional Materials 29, no. 38 (2019): 1903699.
- Chu Ma, Seok Kim, and Nicholas X. Fang. “Acoustic far-field subwavelength imaging based on spatial filtering and wave vector conversion.” Nature Communications 1 (2019): 204.
- Ruan, Ju-Qi, Shahrzad Ghaffari Mosanenzadeh, Xin Li, Si-Yuan Yu, Chu Ma, Xin Lin, Shan-Tao Zhang, Lu Ming-Hui, Nicholas X. Fang, and Yan-Feng Chen. “Bimodal hybrid lightweight sound-absorbing material with high stiffness.” Applied Physics Express(2019).
- Hao Ge, Min Yang, Chu Ma, Ming-Hui Lu, Yan-Feng Chen, Nicholas Fang, Ping Sheng, “Breaking the barriers: advances in acoustic functional materials.” National Science Review2 (2017): 159-182.
- Rongrong Zhu*, Chu Ma* (equal contribution), Bin Zheng, Muhyiddeen Yahya Musa, Liqiao Jing, Yihao Yang, Huaping Wang, Shahram Dehdashti, Nicholas X. Fang, and Hongsheng Chen. “Bifunctional acoustic metamaterial lens designed with coordinate transformation.” Applied Physics Letters 110, no. 11 (2017): 113503.
- Hyunwoo Yuk, Shaoting Lin, Chu Ma, Mahdi Takaffoli, Nicholas X. Fang, and Xuanhe Zhao. “Hydraulic hydrogel actuators and robots optically and sonically camouflaged in water.” Nature Communications 8 (2017):14230.
- Rongrong Zhu, Bin Zheng, Chu Ma, Jun Xu, Nicholas X. Fang, and Hongsheng Chen. “A broadband polygonal cloak for acoustic wave designed with linear coordinate transformation.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140, no. 1 (2016): 95-101.
- Nicholas X. Fang, Jun Xu, Chu Ma, and Navid Nemati. “From acoustic metamaterials to functional metasurfaces.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135, no. 4 (2014): 2221-2222.
- Chu Ma, Robert G. Parker, and Benjamin B. Yellen, “Optimization of an acoustic rectifier for uni-directional wave propagation in periodic mass–spring lattices,” Journal of Sound and Vibration 332.20 (2013): 4876-4894.